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Low-fat dog food

Low-fat dog food

Does your faithful pooch have obesity problems and need to regain its ideal weight? Discover the properties of low-fat dog food

As the years go by, adult dogs become more sedentary and exercise less and less. Lack of physical activity can lead to problems of being overweight, which, in turn, can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular complications. If you want to keep your furry friend at its ideal weight, our low-fat dog food is the perfect choice. The most complete food for dogs who are overweight with sensitive stomachs Amanova's low-fat dog food is made from fresh turkey, as the only source of animal protein. Our special recipe combines this delicious meat, rich in protein and low in fat, with other carefully selected natural ingredients: ginger, quinoa, broccoli and blueberries. Adult Obesity Turkey Delight is an ideal light option for dogs who are overweight with sensitive stomachs. It contains no meat meal or dehydrated meat and, as it is a hypoallergenic feed, it reduces the risk of allergies and food intolerances. Discover the benefits of low-fat dog food Our low-fat dog food formula has been designed by expert nutritionists and offers the following benefits to dogs with obesity problems: ● L-carnitine: accelerates fat burning without losing muscle mass ● A mixture of starch and complex fibres to keep blood glucose and cholesterol levels constant, while making your dog feel full. ● Fatty acids: to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammatory reactions. ● Probiotics and prebiotics: to promote the growth of bacterial flora, improving digestive health and preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria. If your faithful companion needs to regain its ideal weight, Amanova's low-fat dog food is exactly what you are looking for. Not only will it help your dog stay trim, but will also improve its health and well-being.

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